
Local Attorneys are at the core of our service.  Local Attorneys who have a General Practice are on the front line of our legal profession. Individuals needing legal consultation seek out local attorneys for guidance.  Local attorneys can provide additional legal services by referring individuals to other attorneys in the network.  Not every client can be matched up with an attorney who agrees to take their case but it provides another avenue to provide the client with an attorney who practices in the specific area of law. If the case is referred to a Certified Attorney, a referral fee is payable by that Certified attorney with out any additional cost to the client.

Call: (800) 311-3020

George Washington Mural Hudson County Courthouse

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Referring A Case...

We have tried to make the referral of a client to an attorney who can address their particular problem as easy as possible.  We don’t want to get in the way of your practicing your area of the law but no turn down a client and or turn away business.


Receiving A Referral...

Certified Attorneys receive calls on matter they don’t handle. uses a formula that takes into account whether a Certified Attorney participates in referring matters through our website of matters it does not handle.  Our rating of Certified Attorneys and the number of referrals they can receive from us depends on their responsiveness and number of referrals the attorney submits outside his or her area of practice.

Ideal World...

In an ideal world, every person would have the ability to retain counsel to represent them in their legal matter.  We know that not every client can be matched up with an attorney but we hope that our website makes it possible for individuals who seek assistance of counsel can find one to resolve their legal problem.

Contact Us

(800) 311-3020

Attorney Sign Up

There is no cost to signing up. So Don’t Hesitate. Your next referral is waiting for you.